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- Harmony Day 2025
- Catholic Identity and Mission
- Principal's Report
- Changes to School Drop-Off and Pick-Up Locations
- Student Award Winners
- Year 1/2 Class Report
- End of Term Dismissal
- Arts Report
- Sports Report
- Young RMS Performances
- Happy Birthday!!!
- Online Communication at OLOR
- Community News
- Letter from Catholic School Parents SA
The current edition of the Catholic newspaper put out by the Archdiocese called 'The Southern Cross' is available at Southern Cross March Issue
Rosemary Perre
There has been a flurry of activities around OLOR over the past few weeks. There has been plenty going on both inside classrooms and also in many other areas. We have celebrated Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of the Lenten season, which is a time to reflect and readjust to what is important. We have had our school photos, which is a reminder of how we are all part of the OLOR community, and also a reminder of how quickly students grow up! We have also had our Wakakirri and Choir groups starting rehearsals for their performances later this year.
Last week our Year 3 and Year 5 students began their NAPLAN testing for 2025, and this has continued this week. This is a series of four tests designed to assess them in the areas of writing, reading, spelling and grammar, and numeracy. We commend the students on the effort that they have put in and look forward to receiving the results later in the year. NAPLAN tests are just one part of the assessment schedule we have at OLOR, where we use data to inform our planning and decision making.
Our School Board AGM and first meeting of our new Board was also held last week. I would like to welcome new members Teresa Howie, Thalia Boatswain and Kyle Woolston, who join Emma Vallelonga and George Dalamagas, as the parent representatives on the School Board, as well as Fiona Moll-Short who is the staff representative. They will support myself and Fr Hau to make decisions and guide the school over the next year. I value the input of all parents and look forward to many new ideas coming in the future. I would also like to thank Mark Howie, Kanwaldeep Kaur, Priscilla Renfrey, Keisha Barber and Melanie Steele for their contributions to the School Board last year.
In Week 10 we look forward to Parent Teacher interviews. These are an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss the learning, behaviour and wellbeing of their children. Working together with families, we want to create an environment where all students are able to achieve their best with the support at school and home to help this happen. As always, we invite families to share any concerns they have about how their children are going and their feelings about school. Parent Teacher interviews are just one part of the reporting process, and we encourage families to continue these conversations with teachers throughout the year.
During few weeks we will be preparing for the moving of our transportable classrooms to the bottom of the oval, to enable our new buildings to begin construction. We are looking at how to minimise the disruption this will cause to the learning and play times of students, as well as planning out what this looks like once the buildings are moved during the school holidays. We look forward to the beginning of the building program and the opportunities that the additions to the school will bring.
Mr Michael Slagter
Changes to School Drop-Off and Pick-Up Locations
- The Sandpit gate, Church Gate and Kiss and Drop gate will no longer be accessible.
- New entry points will be in place, and these are marked on the map provided.
- The Kiss and Drop location will be moved further down McIntosh Street.
The Front Office will remain open for access.
Assembly Awards
Congratulations to Mary, Jude, Irmaan, Armaan, Grace, Lucia, Axel, Braiyden, Darcy, Gracie, Portia and Heartley who all received Certificate of Achievement Awards at our last assembly in recognition of their efforts during the past few weeks.
PBIS Awards
We were also proud to announce our PBIS award winners for earning the highest number of points in each category. Congratulations to -
Sriyan - RESPECT
This term, the Year 1/2s have been involved in lots of great learning activities and school events. In Art, they got creative with recycled materials to create painted animal portraits using egg cartons to make their faces 3D.
We also enjoyed seeing the Beats and Pieces performance in Week 6 – we loved playing games and joining in the music making!
We hope you enjoy our photos and videos.
Congratulations to all of our students who participated in auditions this week. I was very impressed with the amount of effort that students put into their performances, and it was great to see students supporting and encouraging one another.
This year our Wakakirri troupe will be telling the story of Michelle Payne, the first female jockey to win the Melbourne Cup. This ties in with this year’s theme of ‘Inner Strength’, given the amount of personal and professional challenges Michelle had to overcome in her life and career.
Our cast is as follows:
Michelle Payne: Mia Sandford
Mother & Father: Kahra Przibilla & Cruz Westervelt
Siblings: Anna Centofanti, Lucia Centofanti, Grace Heuzenroeder, Laura Geyer, Celise Drake, Mary Papadopoulos, Shagun Bisht, Auriea Byreddy, Harper Vallelonga
Jockeys: Harry Burnett, Lucas Moroney, Sriyan Gudipati, Nathan Kurian, Luca Elliot
Medical Team: Catie Camilleri, Ada Dalamagas, Rayner Knowling, Sirat Kaur, Hope Threlfall, Theodora Dalamagas, Serah Manu, Stellar Altus
On Friday, our choir students travelled to the Berri Town Hall for our first cluster rehearsal of the year. We sang alongside several other schools with support from our conductor, Cindy Ridley. Our students demonstrated great participation and sounded awesome!

SAPSASA Football
The Riverland SAPSASA Boys Football Carnival was held on Wednesday in Week 6. Seven students from Years 5 and 6 represented OLOR in the Berri district team. The OLOR representatives demonstrated great determination and sportsmanship on the day despite going up against some talented footballers from across the Riverland.
Congratulations to Ashton Wilson and Emmanuel Exarheas on being selected to trial for the Riverland team that will compete in Adelaide later in the year. We wish both boys luck with their trials.

Physical Education
Our Foundation and 1/2 Class have been learning about Fundamental Movement Skills for the duration of Term 1, focusing on developing basic skills such as balance, running, catching and throwing. Students have engaged in a variety of games to support this development.
The 2/3, 4/5 and 5/6 classes have begun learning the concept of invasion games and are developing their knowledge of strategies and tactics in a variety of sports contexts. We have also been practicing the concepts of fair and ethical play providing students with the skills necessary to engage in social play in a positive way.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday 2nd April – SAPSASA Athletics Carnival
- Open to students born in 2015, 2014 and 2013
- All year 4, 5 and 6 students will be developing their skills in a variety of athletics events in the coming weeks in preparation for the event.
Wednesday 9th April – SAPSASA Hockey Carnival
- Open to all students in years 5 and 6
PE Teacher
Saver Plus is a program designed to help eligible families develop essential financial skills and build savings for education costs.
If parents commit to saving up to $50 a month for 10 months, ANZ will match their savings up to $500 for education costs, such as school uniforms, stationary, textbooks, computers.