Our Lady of the River School utilises the Australian Curriculum to provide students with a balanced, contemporary and innovative learning program. What makes us different is that all curriculum areas have a religious aspect which spreads throughout the atmosphere of the school.
We have an emphasis on developing literacy and numeracy aptitude by using the multisensory reading and spelling program, ‘Crack the ABC Code’ and intervention numeracy program, ‘QuickSmart’. We also access community-based learning opportunities so that our students are able to see unique, lifelong learning which continues beyond the classroom.
We offer an additional core learning area of Religious Education in which Catholic teachers across South Australia utilise a curriculum framework entitled, ‘Crossways’. The Religious Education program also includes the ‘Made in the Image of God: Human Sexuality Program’, which is based on the fundamental belief that humans are made in God’s image and deserve the upmost dignity and respect. Students are also guided on the ‘On Holy Ground’ document, which teaches the importance in caring for our environment.